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Tue, Feb 20, 2018 2:53 PM
The online auctioneer to buy or sell your food and beverage machines

1709: Online auction machinery for the food industry due to closing production location Näsby Chark AB in Kristianstad (SE)

  • Status
    Highest bid
    Closing date
  • 1709-85: Emsland Group

    3 bags of Emsland Group potato starch, 20 kg per bag, best before: 19-10-2025
    € 50,00
    0 bids
    12/02/2025 14:30
  • 1709-86: Suprasel

    Pallet with approximately 25 bags of Suprasel plus sodium nitrite 0.6%, 25 kg per bag, best before: 26-02-2027.
    € 75,00
    0 bids
    12/02/2025 14:30